Wednesday 8 November 2023

Taipei Day 3 (Muzha Zoo)

 Because I tired myself out yesterday I just took the morning slow to recover a bit before another big day of walking at the zoo. 

Yima bought me lianmian again, but this time the vendor added chilli and omg it's so spicy!! Never knew you could have chill spice. Very delicious though. By the time I headed out it was 1pm. I thought I would need to go to the MRT and take it to Zoo stop, but it's actually like 10 mins from here??? By Bus??? Wow???? That close?

So I thought the 530 bus would go to the zoo, but turns out to goes to the south entrance for the Maokong gondola. Opps. Oh well let us go backwards then. I paid $50 via Yoyocard and got on the gondola, they had open windows so lots of lovely ventilation, I took my n95 off and swapped to my KF94 a few moments into the ride. The view is awesome. There's so many big, old trees where the gondola goes over. So lovely. I could see up to Taipei 101.

I got off at the 1st stop for the Maokong gondola and then on the way out, going down the levels, one level had frozen Yakult + OJ. Ohhhhh yes please gimme the slush. $70. By the time I drank it just became a chilled drink lol. Still delicious.

When I exited from the Gondola I headed towards the zoo entrance, but there was a vendor selling something with no one around, I had a look and it was a train ride???? for $60. I asked where to and the staff said to the Zoo entrance. Can I ride if it's just myself? Yes? Hell yeah. 

I paid by Yoyocard and the staff called the train over.  Whilst waiting the staff made small chat and asked where I was from. Then asked what I had planned for Taipei. And commented that next week he has a friend coming over from Singapore to visit for a week. The train got here and Omg it's soooo cute. and I was the only passenger so VIP train all for me?? Hahah awww I really enjoyed me ride. I asked the driver if it was busier on weekends and holidays, since a lot of parents ride with their kids. Yes, and usually normal weekdays it's really quiet, but long weekends/multiple public holidays are busy too. The ride ended and I had to walk a short distance to the zoo. Aww I really enjoyed the ride. 

They have a special manhole cover! There were vendors selling toys and themed kids hats at the front of the entrance. I purchased a ticket for $60 and entered the zoo. 

Oh wow there's sooo many school kids. They're so loud. From different schools too. I decided to go to the gift shop first, so I don't run out of time later. Got my postcards, $50, pearluscent cardstock each featuring a different animal. The gift shop was sooo loud with the kids too. Poor staff.

After that, I got out and headed towards the Formosa animals area.

I was blessed today to see the old Formosa bears!!! Both of them!! They are soooo cute. Sadly didn't see their V but the bears were having a good time. 

I also saw a few of the other feline Formosa animals, and the Pangolin!! One of them were missing a left hind feet. I wonder what's their story. So Muzha Zoo was the first in the world to successfully breed pangolins in the zoo, wow what an achivement!! They're really cute too.

The monkeys lol, the ones that soak in the onsen, they were all out today.

After the Formosa animals area, I headed to the Panda House. And oh my god this place would be packed on weekends. Like you wouldn't be able to photo the pandas. When I arrived the pandas were putting on such a show, running around the enclosure, one of them even dipped into the pool! And then after a while they sat down and ate, both at the same time lol. The house was built so that the ramps going up to the viewing line is like a queue, and that its a long queueing walkway for teh viewing level. There are signs asking you to keep smooth movement so other people can have a turn as well. I went upstairs when the pandas sat down to eat, and they have a Panda Cafe!!! It's like Shirokuma cafe, but panda. I didn't go in but the statue outside was very cute. And then when I went into the gift shop there's a Shirokuma statue!!!!!!!!!!!! LoL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved it. I had a look around, wanted a t-shirt in a design that was only in the kids tees. Aww so sad. I got a big panda cushion as a gift for a friend. 

They also had postcards but I figured since I had already bought some it's enough.

I went out and it's about 30 mins to closing. I guess I'll do the Pangolin dome?? Since it's close. The staff told us to exit by 5pm, so I just zoomed through. There's heaps to see as well. There's a dark house for some mammals. And I saw turtles!!! They're sooooo cute. And two of them were having a meal. Nom nom slowly. There's also a poison dark frog breeding corner, and some insects. Some birds (blue cheeked bee eater) were flying overhead. And interestingly, they used plastic chains as a screen so the birds outside an enclosure don't escape. I saw a mackaw too. Didn't see the sloth or tamarin. The dark exhibit had a couple of mammals (3 enclosures I think?) scuttling around. It's a really cool dome. Like the design and the structure was really well thought out. Once out, it was 5 min to close, so I headed towards the exit.

After N95'ing up just before the exit, I then discovered they had a stamp you use for re-entry... so I tried to stamp my book and the postcards. But since the postcard was special paper it didn't stick that well. And I was in a rush as everyone was going out. Once out I made sure to take a photo of the sign-wall. And then took the bus Brown3, since there were still seats, and this bus was one of thise mini buses! So cute. It took me the other way after Muzha Market, so I got off asap and then since they had Youbike right outside I hired one and rode all the way to the docks down stairs from the 社區. Then parked the bike, doffed my N95, nasal sprayed and went upstairs since the kids will be there.

I went upstairs and the kids were writing homework, and by the time I put my stuff down the younger one had finished. Yima set up the table for dinner and I ate while the older one finished his 國語 writing. Dinner was yummy, it was Chishang rice again. The dishes were good too. I forgot to take a photo.

Once done  just sat on the sofa and found Doraemon airing on TV so watched that, then found a programme introducing the island/aboriginal way of life for one of the islands in Taiwan. The kids left around 7:45pm, and I went to take a shower. 

I could hear the rubbish truck as I came out, and Yima needed to chuck some away, but I was already clean and in my PJs... she said the truck comes down the street around 9pm. 

It's 9:30pm now, think I might watch an ep of anime and then sleep. Maybe Taipei 101 or Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall tomorrow and Pili store???

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