Thursday 28 August 2008


  • Flour (all-purpose)
  • Water
  • Warm water
  • Raw sugar
  • Brown sugar (the unrefined one)
  • 1 teaspoon Yeast
For Poolish:
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 cup warm water
  • 3/4 teaspoon sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon yeast

Last night I prepared some poolish for mantou (steamed buns) that I was going to try and make today.

Unfortunately, we don't have a recipe on the amount of flour and water, so me and my mum improvised.

First, we spread a whole lot of floor on the bench, and chucked our poolish on top.
Knead knead.
Added more flour and made a little well in it, where we poured the water in (yeast and some sugar was dissolved first).

Knead knead, until it was a ball of dough.

Now, for the sugars!!! Add raw sugar to taste, and some brown sugar in the middle of the dough (make a hole first). Knead until the colour is evenly spread out.

Keep adding brown sugar until the dough's a nice caramel colour.

Now, for the muscle training part. :/

Knead, knead, knead, until the lactic acid in your muscle builds up.
You have to knead until it's quite soft.

Set aside, cover with a damp cloth and let it rise for 4 hours, or until double.


After our dough almost raised the roof, We spread a WHOLE LOT of flour on the bench again.
Now, for more kneading!!! Yaaaaay!!!

Knead until high gluten has developed. You can test this by using the "window pane" method. Click here for an explanation and photos.

Roll the dough into a fat, long snake.
Cut it into sections, depending on how big you want your mantou to be.

I made some square ones and round ones and rolled up ones. :)

Now, set it aside to proof for another 20-30 mins or so. You may cover it with a damp cloth if you wish.

I haven't steamed it yet, I'm typing this as it's proofing. I'll finish it when we've steamed it!!!


Mum steamed the mantous in a zhinrong... the round bamboo basket things.
They came out BIIIIIIIIIIG and lovely. Big yeast holes. I think I put too much yeast in... next time I'll reduce it to 1 teaspoon. Hopefully it won't have so much holes next time.

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