Thursday, 5 December 2024

Singapore Day 10

 Didn't do much today! Mostly rested and spent time with Nadi and Archer. Nadi and Archer both went to work but came back around 2pm or so. So I just spent the day resting, catching up with blogging, and writing postcards. I am so tired. I helped paint some of their prop gold rings and worked on colouring Nadi's ears for cosplay.

For dinner we decided to go out to Tampines Hub, it's kinda like a community centre with a pool, sports court, stage where they have performances or play movies/TV shows, food court, and a mini mall. We found a stall in the hawker centre that had chilli crab!! So we got a few dishes to share. Chilli crab, spicy lala (cockles), and kang kong (tong choi). This is my first time eating crab. It's hard work getting into the shell bits and eating the meat. The spicy sauce was very yummy. The cook did the lala in the spicy sauce of the crab too. The kang kong was much better cooked and flavoured here. The stall was all halal. 

Archer got chendol afterwards and I tasted a bit. It's like gula melaka! Then Archer left for Beyblade and Nadi and I got some bread from the bakery in the mall.

Off home we go. Just chilled and I helped style Archer's Shadow wig. The Gatsby hairspray he got feels yuck and is really heavy and weighs the wig down. I got rid of it and rinsed most of it out. It also can't be brushed out, it leaves white marks on the hair. Then sadly, around 9pm, I suddenyl felt sick.

Sigggh. Uh oh here we go again. I threw up. And also did a poop that as mostly liquid and sharty. And threw up a couple more times. I took an enzyme capsule that Nadi has, but threw it up twice (I rinsed it and ate it again twice). The third time I couldn't find where the capsule went so I had to give up. TToTT This is so sad. I think the crab did it. I don't think my tummy likes seafood anymore. Waaaaaaaaah. I was also sweating balls. Just no strength. Curled up in bed exhausted. Nadi was so nice and was comforting me and got me plastic bags just in case (and I threw up in it one last time too). 🥺 I hate how my tummy is so sensitive now. 

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