Friday 10 October 2008

Temaki Sushi

Wow! I felt like making something today so I proposed that I make sushi for lunch! Having whipped up random ingredients from the fridge, and leftover rice from last night, I looked up real quickly on how to make Temaki sushi.

Well, to be honest, my first one was too big since I didn't cut the nori because I didn't know how big it was supposed to be. But for my second and third ones I cut the nori in half and rolled them up with bits stuffed inside. :D
It actually worked! They had a pointy butt and cone shape. But after a while they started looking like rolled pices of nori instead of cones. Awww..... but somehow I grasped the angle you were supposed to roll them and they got prettier!

Mmmm! They sure tasted nice!

  • Nori sheets
  • Rice (medium grain)
  • Sushi Seasoning Vingear
  • Cucumber
  • Carrot(s)
  • Pickled gherkins
  • Pork Floss
  • Salt


I followed this video here.

The carrots - grab a peeler and peel the carrot length ways. Try to keep the peels as long as possible. Keep peeling until you are forced to cut the rest of the carrot.
Put them on a plate, sprinkle some salt and sushi vinegar, mix them well abd leave to marinate for a few minutes.

Cucumber - chop it into long strips, removing the pips in the middle beforehand. Chop the strips in half if it is too long.

Our gherkins came in a can so they were already chopped up nicely!

Following the video, I applied the ingredients in this order:
  1. Put rice on nori.

  2. Sprinkled pork floss on rice.

  3. Put the cucumber strips and carrot peels in a diagonally direction on top of the pork floss.

  4. Added gherkins on the side of the cucumber and carrots.

  5. Roll 'em up!

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