Tuesday 28 October 2008


YAAAAAAAAAY! We finally went shopping on Sunday for a digital camera and we decided on the Sony Cybershot package that Noel Lemmings was offering for about $250. It was the Labour Weekend sale... and it came on Monday! (Labour Day). But unfortunately, I was at AuckGeddon for the whole day and unable to bring it to take photos of the awesome cosplayers this year. :<

This also means that I can start taking photos of my baking!!! WOOT! YEAH! HOORAY!

So! Armageddon is a pulp expo held here in NZ, it's the nearest thing to a con.
www.pulpexpo.com for more information.

Anyways, I entered the cosplay competition for the first time, with my Reimu costume since I couldn't get my Rena costume done. D:
When I was lining up to go on stage for the performance..... I actually experience butterflies for the first time! Well, the music for my skit kinda failed like 3 times before I got it right - it wasn't my cellphone that I was using. But when I did it properly, people cheered and clapped. However, I didn't really notice it because I was so nervous! Later, I watch a YT video of myself - I heard one of my friends shouting "ALICE!!!!! WHOOOOOO!!!", or something along those lines.
Here's the vid:
About 4:30 minutes in.

I also got Crispin Freeman to write "All hail Brittania!" on the autograph card! ^o^

Ok, piccies of my loot!
http://s49.photobucket.com/albums/f256/RollEXE/Auckgeddon 08/
Go browse at your leisure!

I think that's about it... I spent quite a lot on those two days... (Sat and Mon).
I went in cosplay on Monday, for the competition as well. One girl who was cosplaying as someone from Silent Hill (she could jerk like a zombie thing properly!) said something like: "OMG, ARE YOU REIMU?!?! *Insert convo here* TOUHOU IS LIKE, MY CRACK!!!!"
Which was awesome. Then another girl was like: "Hey... aren't you from... Touhou?"
Which makes the tally two! Awesome!
I also attended H!ACP on Sat night..... we had glowsticks and jumping around and dancing and games and lots of cool stuff and had a hell of a night! It was so fun!

I got to meet Kelchup and Sockpanda from the forums, they were so nice! 8D
I miss them already..... TT^TT

Ok, that's it for tonight, gotta go sleep now!

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