Saturday 29 November 2008

Taiwan Days 1-3

Wow. It's the 3rd day that I've set my foot on Taiwan soil, but I keep thinking it's the 2nd full day instead of 3, because on the first day I got home, took a shower, and slept.

Nov 27th 2008 - Nov 30th 2008

I'm currently living at my granny's house, and I miss my shower box. T_T
They use a bathtub with a shower head, and the room can't seem to get heated up because of the inconvenient-to-open window. DX
Whenever I get out I shiver, because it's so cold. I have to rub myself down real quick or I'll get a cold, or something. D:
Can't complain though. But I do miss my house.

Everything I've seen these past 3 days are so... nostalgic. Everything comes back to me one by one as I see the sights I used to see every time I come back. Including the drain covers, the crowded streets, THE SCOOTERS THREADING THROUGH THE CARS, the pot plants crammed outside the houses, the convenience stores you can find every 100m or so (lol), the TV stations.... etc. Ahhhhh..... *tears*

Also, the snack foods, the fast internet, the the the... everything. TT^TT

It's good to see my Granny. She has short hair instead of her old curly hairstyle now. She's also... so much more older. :<
My 5th Auntie has gotten prettier from the last time I remember. My cousins (5th Auntie's kids) are 11, 9, and 7. 2 older boys, and a little girl. They've gotten so much bigger, too. D:

I realised that I'd forgotten to bring the portable hardrive back..... but thank goodness I loaded the July Shinbans on D:\ on this lappy. However, I still have to find a time to watch them. Preferably when my Granny goes to sleep in the afternoons and my cousins aren't hogging this lappy playing AOE II Conquerors. Lol.
I miss my J-music already.... but I don't want them asking me why all my music are J, so I'll just have to learn to survive without it for the meanwhile. Or until I figure something out.

My bro joins me on the 4th. Mmm. Then we're all gonna go get a haircut together, my fringe keeps poking me in the eyes, it's annoying.

OH YEAH, my cousins and 5th Uncle and Auntie plays MAPLESTORY XDDDDDDD. In Taiwan they have these chip reader cards to prevent hacking and fraud for most online games. I saw my 5th Auntie's account, it's a cleric lvl 162. Lol. Awesome.

My cousins play a lot of mini games on the internet... I feel sorry for them somewhat because they're still noobish. D: It's a bit sad calling them that but yeah, I was like that too when I was young.

I think that's it so far. I bought a whole lot of snack foods like, Guai Gaui, Kinder Surprise, APPLE BREAD, Ferro Rocher, Caramel Milk Candy, Yakult, PUDDING.... and lots more is due to be bought. MWAHAHAHHAHA.
Ahhhhhh... stuff that you can't get anywhere except Taiwan. Also, I saw a wig shop on my way to Granny's from the airport, it's near her house. I might chance a go at that shop to buy a wig for my Rena cosplay.... I hope.

OK, that's it for me now.
There's Keroro Gunsou on Cartoon Network, Sat, 12-12:30pm, I thinks. Also Ranma 1/2, Ninja Hatori, along with other many anime that are so nostalgic as well. ^o^

Mwah! End it here I thinks.

EDIT: I forgot to add that on my second day back (first full day) my 2nd Uncle took us all out to eat at a Korean shop. Maaaaan~ it was delicious but I was so stuffed as well! I can never eat much for the first meal of the day!


Anonymous said...

Ah~ At least you had a tub. My aunt just had the shower head and a drain in the middle of the bathroom floor XDD

Yay for Alice's soon-to-be haircut!!

You could listen to your music using headphones o.o

Unknown said...

Oh man Alice, you make me want to go visit China...

I WANT MY MAPLESTORY ACCOUNT BACK. Seriously, if I don't get it back I don't think I'll ever play MapleStory seriously ever again D:

I wanna see you haircut after you get it done, so take some photos~

(this is Zoe, just btw)

Roll said...

@ Tegami: I can tell because of your account name. ^_^

Unknown said...

eh... but my username is Fishpuppy... o_o