Monday 2 February 2009

Taiwan Days 65-69

Thursday, 29th Jan 2009

Nothing much happened today, except that we went to Gran's house for dinner again. It's the 4th in the Lunar Calendar, so today you're meant to invite the God of Wealth into your house. You're supposed to set up an offering table with several specific things and some money, along with some specific foods.

Friday, 30th Jan 2009

Yawn~ woke up early to catch the bus today, I'm bound for Taipei!
Om nom nom, had a quick breakfast, packed up some final things, and set off for Chou Ma, where the buses are. Purchased tickets for $210 NTD each, and waited a bit. Finally, the bus was ready and we got on. Waved goodbye to dad. The bus was nice and roomy, along with some TVs. During the trip a movie was shown... I don't know the name but there was no sound. XD It was about a Police in Rhode Island, US, who got married, and not long after they had 3 black kids... his wife cheated on him but he still loves his kids a lot. The wife ditched Charlie... that's his name, and he was heartbroken. But he's a good dad and a good person. His kids are real smart... but they think that they're not smart. XD
Everyone takes advantage of him and finally one day he cracks and develops a split personality, called Hank, I think. Oh, a random adventure begins...

After arriving in Taipei, we headed for the station. Toilets first... been busting for about 2 hours...
Then, we started shopping in the Taipei Underground Mall. Wow~ the place is big... from no. 80 onwards to about no. 30 it was all games and merchandise stores. Wow! There was even a total doujin shop! I saw TOUHOU GAMES from COMIKET, and Touhou doujins, merchandise, Yukkuri heads, figures, keychains and so on.
Stopping buy Hot Dog Toyz I bought a set of Tales of the Abyss gasha straps and Druaga no Tou gasha straps for $325 NTD. What a bargain!
Also a Prinny keychain on clearance for $200 NTD intended as a b'day present for a friend.
I also saw 2 Ion figures in a lonely what seemed like a clearance box... no one wants him, poor guy. T_T
After having killed my legs some more, we went to Ximen Ding/Shimen Ting by MRT. Heh... very crowded and spazzahs.
Our destination: KT Animanga and Animate. We also tried to find Moe Moe Animanga house but somehow my bro managed to get us even more lost than what we were in the first place. >_>
At Animate I bought 2 boxes of Soul Eater Trading Arts. They were Maka and Liz. I bought issue 20 of Cosmode from Mag Freak downstairs. $536 bucks...
After Ximen, we made our way towards Wan Nen... it's like a mall full of stuff. Very crowded. :<

[RAWR RAWR RAWR @*&#%^@#%^(@ Blogger just erased a whole lot of blog material here due to me using the emoticon ":<" and it thinks it part of HTML and just erased everything until the bold date text. Grrrrr.]

I bought a Rukario plushie there for $300 at the same shop that I bought my Rena figure at. My legs were really dying by now. After my legs were very dead, we headed for Yi Ma's house via MRT then bus. I accidently gave the bus driver an extra $20 because I thought that I would get change from a $50 coin. But did you know what? Buses in Taipei don't give change! Most people use cards. So, we had dinner there and I even managed to watch Doraemon!
I slept in a futon that night. I haven't slept in one for at least 4 years. My feet were really sore...

Saturday, 31st Jan 2009

Yawn~ After saying my goodbyes and thanks to our Yi Ma... we headed over to Ximen Ding again. *sigh~* We ended up waiting a long time for Alan's friend to arrive~ meanwhile we were confronted by people trying to sell us things. Heh. My bro bought a little wallet like thing for $300, like supporting the students trying to earn some school fees.
Hah! After our friends arrived, we headed over to Animate. In a frenzy I bought all of the Trading Arts left. The 3 boxes turned out to be Patty, Soul and Death the Kid. TT^TT
I wanted Black*Star.... why... why?!?! Uwahahahaaaaa~~~~ *cries*
Browse, browse, browse.... *GASP!* We found Moe Moe! Wow~ the place is bigger than KT... Oh! Maid Cafe on the 3rd level! Uwah!!!
Timidly, I went up... and was met with an arrangement of gothic lolita clothings. Why no wigs? I need a wig... no, don't ask why. It's better that way. And, the Cafe's always booked full because it's so popular. I saw one maid saying "okaerinasaimase, goshujin-sama". But it was obvious she hasn't learned Japanese because she slurred it.

Then, after that, we went to Taipei Underground Mall again to find Alan's Monthly Undine's.
My feet are like, dead. =_=
Long story short, after that, we bought an obentou for $75 at the Bus Station, and then went home. They were showing House of Flying Daggers on the small TV. So tired.... Zzzzzz...

Sunday, 1st Feb 2009

Well, nothing much happened today. We ended up going to Gran's house for lunch and dinner.
In the afternoon me and my mum went lingerie shopping while my dad and my bro waited in the car. The shop is owned by a friend of my parent's. When we finished, we tried to start up the car but nothing happened. Tried a few more times, but the battery was dead. So while we waited for 5th Uncle to come along and link the batteries together to shock each other, me and my mum went to a drinks shop right next door and had Shaow Shen Chao (shaow sian-chháu), or Mesona. Grass jelly. Yum~ it's a blackish colour and it's really delicious. :9

Monday, 2nd Feb 2009

Phew~ hard work packing stuff into boxes... it's like Tetris but takes a long time and it's heavy and fiddly trying to make the weight balance...
We ended up with 5 boxes of stuff to surface ship back....
In the afternoon my 5th Uncle called me to go and choose my new cellphone! His contract is coming to an end so he can choose a new cell alongside renewing his contract. He doesn't need a new one so that's how I got a cellphone for no money! It's like free! Except buying the extra charger and screen protection stickers... I got a Motorola VE536.
At night, we went to Nana's house, and ended up buying Chou Toufu. This mobile stall's chou toufu was delicious! Just the right crispiness, and nice and soft on the inside. Nice and stinky too! That ended up being 3/4 of my dinner... hohoho, for the rest 1/4 I ate too much noodles... *burp*

1 comment:

KOS-MOS said...

....chou urayamashii da!!!