Sunday 29 September 2024

Taichung Funeral Day 1

Grandma passed away in her sleep on 24/09 Tuesday morning (local Taiwan time), and I had a video call with her the Sunday before... she had already lost her voice and was unable to talk, but still mimed and asked if I had eaten... 😭

Funeral dates were decided on Wedsnesday afternoon (local Taiwan time).

And then short notice trying to figure out if I could fly back for at least the send off ceremony.

Very stressful 2 days getting prep done and trying to pack.

Flew out 28/09/2024 Sat morning, 吳老師 dropped me off at the airport. I can never check in online because the system errors me. And then got assigned the seats just before premium economy cabin, so lucky with the leg space. The seats are so bad since the head rest pushes your neck and shoulders forwards and I got such sore neck and shoulders.... ugh... N95 Sip mask, my face and skin was so sore about 17+ hrs of wearing it... I definitely inhaled cabin air when I yawned and the mask slipped from my assymetrical jaw.. hope I'm ok. Completely full flight, could hear 3 different coughs including one sick kid aorund me (since it's school holidays). Mad that flight was $900~ and then turned into ~$1550 2 hours later. Disgusting. KF94's for meals and pulled it down to bite and back up to exhale. Took Blis as well. Fingers crossed.

They asked to see my mask at the counter for check in, (why?! They didn't last time), and also when boarding. But to pass through the egates for security you have to take yor mask off fully, unobstructed face. I tried pulling it down first time but didn't work. It's just long enough to hold a breathe for.

Watched Puss and Boots -The Last Wish- on the plane. They had inflight wifi and miraculously Line was not blocked. Tried to snooze as much as I can. Planes are so grimy as usual. Ew. When I landed I ended up getting a Sim card for 7 days with Taiwan Mobile for $500. Awks cause I'm here for 8 days and couldn't make it work with my original trip dates later in Oct. Then went through customs, they ask you to unmask for the camera and then do the finger prints. Juuuust long enough for 1 breathe. 

Baggage took ages to come out. I spotted 3 people with respirators though! One Asian man with a Niosh N100, one european man with a blue strapped Aura, and one brown-skinned gentleman with orange-strapped respirator.

No luck with Lucky land draw (they had a pinball style, danzhutai, draw screen this time). Spent some time finding the bus area and found it. Took the Ubus at 7:10pm. Paid at the counter and then went to number 3 stop. The lady at bus station asked about my N95 as she had seen it on a Korean TV show.

Snoozed on the bus, seat was more comfortable but my shoulders were already wrecked at that point. 2 hrs to get to Chaoma, dad and 二叔 came to pick me up.

Went home, showered, and pretty much went to sleep.

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