Tuesday 1 October 2024

Taichung Funeral Day 4

 Dad bought shuijianbao for breakfast. Dayum it good, the cabbage ain't raw tasting and he dough is nice and chewy.

After breakfast we got ready to go to the memorial hall/altar. We got there early, so I folded enough yuan bao (10 more) to make up 100 from the ones I folded last night. 

Today we did a man-chi (full one) as the last prayer session for grandma. It's focused on the males sons and grandsons. They included 2 baodai and the usual paper money, yuanbao, and 18 lotuses. We also wore the jute armbands again today, and swapped to the jute bows after the prayer session.

After the prayer was done I got to follow dad, shyan-an, ah-jun, shyan-bo, shyan-ji, to the Funeral home burner across the road and offered the treasures. I got to throw 1 lotus in personally, the rest was done by the Funeral Home staff.

Once done we asked grandma to come back with us (follow the incense) back to the altar room. We are now finised with the man-chi, and I sat down to continue to fold lotuses. 五嬸 helped too.  I flipped them and some petals ripped in the process... ahhhhh..... had to re-flip and replace the petals. Then 五嬸 went to get lunch and we ate. The soup was nicer today, just plain light soup.

After that we continued to flip and fold, since we need 18 lotuses (multiples of 9).

Seems like 三叔 has some beef with the rest of the brothers and he's really stubborn and remembers a lot of old hate... and flipped the lid on it today with something about how 奶奶 doesn't like 表姨媽 and why you contact her family... but he was the first one to post publicly about it on FB.... dad got angry cause it's unreasonable to do that when someone has passed. Let bygones be bygones. 

Not much else, just a lot of folding, spending time with 奶奶 and talking. 五叔's ball buddy came to visit and brang a white envelope. Because 奶奶 is 高寿 it's a happy occassion and the envelope was swapped to a red one and returned to the offerer. 

At this point, there's only so much I can do covid wise. It's way too hot to have the window open. And my face has started to get sweat rashes so it's not ideal to mask all the time.... spray and pray...

We have to vacate the room today so took all personal belongings with us. Took some more yuanbao paper home to fold.

二叔 dropped us off and we got changed (to wash teh black shirts) and went to buy dinner.

一心臭豆腐 is open today and they're veggo, so I went to buy the tofu and noodles. 二叔 also wanted one too. Mum and dad went to get the usual vege buffet bentous.

Tbe tofus actually come with a fair amount of pickles... I thought they didn't so bought an extra plate of pickles.... even though I asked for mild chilli it's actually quite hot... wow.... their thin noodles is quite nice too. Peppery spicy already so doesn't need the chilli.

After dinner we just had tea, showered, and I continued to fold the yuanbao.

Before bed the Hitachi A/C unit in my room flashed error code 60 and didn't want to work. Turns out something to do with the rotation motor has a problem. Dad checked the pre-filter, it's quite clean. 二叔 tried turning off the mains switch and on again, and that fixed it.

Then 二叔 put my itinerary schedule on his calendar before bed. Seems like cuz Joy will be back when I return from huandao and our dates will overlap.

Early start tomorrow. It's a full day prayer session from 8am to 5pm, at the main Funeral home. On Thurs we see 奶奶 off for cremation.

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