Got up late at around 9:30am. Finished my half a bread and had some yoghurt to drink. Mmm. Then I decided to do he laundry as my PJs needed washing and it was best to head to SG on as much clean laundry as possible. Scrubbed 二叔's loo because it was a bit pee smelly yesterday. Did some research on how to get to the motel in Taoyuan tomorrow, and other stuff on the laptop.
Then it was about 12:30pm, time to get lunch. I decided to head out to buy vege bentou from 中興素食. Yummos. On the way back home I dropped by the pharmacy nearby to buy some alcohol, a 500ml bottle for $75 from Shao-lin Pharmacy, since it's so hard to buy it in NZ. I also got a spray head for $40. Then back home, and it was already about 1:30pm. Amazing how fast time goes. I enjoyed my bentou, it was so good.
Afterwards I caught up on 1 episode of Thunderbolt Fantasy (ep 5). I wanted to try watch it on offical channels as much as I can.
Then it was time to head out to Grandma's. I dropped by 新利賀專業藥局 to buy some more Picardin mosquito repellant $290 for Singapore, as friend Archer said I'll need it for the outdoor places like the zoo and gardens. Sound advice. I also picked up another small MIT pack of wipes (10 pack) $49, and another bottle of alcohol for $60... cheaper here. Off I got to a bus stop near a little park and a miao.
The 25 bus was only 10 mins away but a guy has taken up the whole bench with his bag.... so I stood for 5 mins and then kinda sat on the edge of the bench. Bus came and I got on, and fell asleep for a bit... then got off at Taichung Park.
I walked the wrong way, and then crossed the road. And then turned the wrong way into the guozai, and turned out the wrong way LOL. I looked on maps and I was really close to a row of juanchun housing, so I went and had a look. Oooooh. People were out and about so I felt a bit awkward taking photos.
Then I wanted to walk down the alley properly of the juanchun house row that was next to grandma's house. I walked down and turned left, but there were people out in the front yard cutting trees up and whatnot, so it felt super awkward to take photos. It connected to Jingqu road. I turned back and the lady asked me which number house I was looking for. I said I am just looking at old juanchun houses. She said the houses are over there (guozai direction), and this is the north area? and the guozai area was teh east area (if I remember correctly). She said these houses are part of xxx (started with shui/water, did not catch it) and I just thanked her and walked away.
Alright, I arrived at the front door. 五叔 told me to call him and I did so he came down to get me. I asked if the door was broken? And he said that he can't open the door without me pressing the intercom, and thought I didn't know which one to press. I said just tell me which number, I know it's the left side intercom. He said since that, coming down to get me would be faster. Ah well, I guess you also came to stretch your legs!
I entered the house and made sure to greet grandma and grandpa. 五叔 put on an incense for me to offer to grandpa and ancestors, (they had already offered 3 incense), and then 1 incense for grandma (1 incense has been offered). I told grandma I am back to see her and have dinner, and that I will be leaving for Singapore tomorrow and then back to NZ. I will come back next year to see her when I have a chance. While I offered incense Hu'nio rubbed herself against my legs. I have been claimed. That is a first. 小智 had his headphones in and was playing War Thunder. I sat down for a bit and there was a baseball game on with Japan vs Taiwan for Asia league. I heard 五嬸's voice from somewhere but I didn't see her!?! And it wasn't coming from behind a closed door. Turns out she was lying on the bed in the same room as 小智, she was pretty hidden rofl, and I didn't even look that way. sdjhbfsjf She had an injection on her lef today so it's really swollen and sore. Hu'nio was on the bed with her, wanting to be patted. Service meeeeee. Lmao.
Dinner was Dominoes. They ordered a super big pizza with 4 combo flavour. Hawaiian was one. Beef jalapeno was another, ohhh yes please jalapeno. Another thick crust smaller pizza with seafood flavour mostly (2 combo). 五叔 also offered me 涼麵 but it had garlic so I decline politely. The order came with several packs of chilli flakes. I added some onto the seafood flavour one, it wasn't that spicy, just enough for a warm kick. Very delicious.
There was also some fried chicken and kumara balls. For drink it was the old taste red tea 古早味紅茶 from that shop they alwasy get. So very nice.
I just sat and talked and watched Baseball. 五嬸 explained some of the baseball stuff as it was going on. I asked about the recycling since the pizza boxes had oil on the paper, and yes they can recycle that here (the bentou boxes). Then it lead to how there's a brand of shoes that makes jandals from sugarcane waste and oyster shells. Their shoes are so good apparently, that someone ran a 500km, or was it 5000km marathon over 48 days in them?! Amazing. Like no joke for real.
Next time I will have a look and see if these jandals are viable for me, since I need support and a solid sole. We should support recycle material products!
At some point I watched 小智 play War Thunder for a bit. Man it's so hard to spot the tanks and stuff, def need practice lol. He had a teammate called Gandalf17. Haha. It was interesting to see. And Mai'ya came out for a week but when we were eating dinner, and then feel asleep on a dining chair near the wall, under the table. Hu'nio was on the cat tree and then moved next to 五嬸. At some point she also sat in the front of 奶奶's altar. 五叔 mentioned that sometimes the cats just sit in front of the altar and stare at it. I think that's when 奶奶 is around because cats can see things we can't, I reckon. 五叔 gave me some more pomelo to eat. This one was so sweet! I ate most of the container, I said I'll help him digest some of it, haha. Around 7:45pm ish 五叔 went downstairs to wait for the rubbish truck.

More baseball! It was about 8:10pm and I should go back soon as the bus takes almost an hour. I waited for 五叔 to come back and he did shortly after, about 8:18pm. I stayed for a couple more min, checked the bus time (one at 8:38pm), and got ready to leave. I bid farewell to 奶奶 and 爺爺跟祖先 and told them I'll be back next year if the opportunity allows.
小智 came with and he asked for some allowance to shop around 一中 after. When we got to the bus stop there was a lady who asked us what bus we were taking and they were really talkative. It was a tiny bit awkward. Her bus 61 drove straight past with no intention of stopping, and wasn't even in the right lane. It only comes on the hour on weekends now which she complained about. Wow. Soon my bus came, and I got on and bid 小智 farewell. I waved to him through the window as he crossed the road. xD He waved back.
The driver was nice he would tell people to be careful of the closing/opening doors as we were on standing space now. And announced that a primary school stop is under construction so if anyone needs to get off it would be at the next stop.
Bus driver name |
When I finally got to the stop near the uni (I should have gotten off at He'nan road), I thanked the bus driver but unsure if he heard as the doors were degassing. On the way back I popped into Watsons and bought more period pads (these ones were on special?! I only found out after I got home, they were $99 on clearance). Then walked through the uni because they closed off the walkway near the kumara balls stand... and popped into the 7-11 that was 四叔's old storefront and topped up $150 on my Yoyo card.
Then went home and 二叔 lined me 5 mins earlier saying he got home, and he was taking a shower (why are all the lights closed!!! So dark!) when I got home.
After a shower I blog and get ready for bed now.
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