Wednesday 10 December 2008

Taiwan Days 12-13

Dec 9th 2008

I didn't do much today but I woke up at around 11am though. XD Filling in on my sleep from trip to Taipei. Lazed around the house and didn't so much.
Then in the afternoon our 3rd Uncle gave us a lift to Lan Tian Photo Shop to get our photos taken so we can get Identity Card thingies. Our 5th Auntie took us there though, and then afterwards our 3rd Uncle gave us a lift back as well. Originally, we intended to go to a nearer photo booth but they were closed so we ended up going to Lan Tian. Their shop is really old, you can tell by the sign outside and the building inside. Nice slice of history.
At night me, my 5th Auntie and cousin put the Xmas tree up and decorated it. It looks really pretty but my youngest cousin Anne kept putting on too much shiny tinsel and other decorations that the tree didn't look so pretty. :< Here are some photos.

A bit blurry, sorry. Tree with lights on.

Tree with tinsel overkill.

Dec 10th 2008

I woke up half and hour later than yesterday, hoho. Nothing interesting much to say except that my youngest cousin is no fun to play with at all. Even when I'm trying to watch Doraemon she takes the remote away and keeps flipping channels until your eyes are like @_@ all the time. Then she doesn't change the channel back when she should which results in me no being able to do anything about it because I don't want to seems like a bully. Then she doesn't eat properly like she should at meals and gives Gran a lot of trouble. Then, last night I wanted to do some colouring because I haven't done it in a long time she said that we should colour the same thing. I was like "nooooo... >_<" and ended up with her trying to colour the same Japoreon as me. Blah. No fun. It's no fun doing stuff with her.... man. I just watched the re-run of Doraemon at 7pm instead, ha. Did I spell Japoreon right? Alan watched Ah! My Goddess! on Animax at 8pm today - it showed 2 episodes in a row but it had no double language. D:

Mmmm.... Ferrero Rocher~

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should have taken a photo of the photo shop XDDD

Lol @ tinsel tree XDDDD

Ahh~ Well, your youngest cousin is still a child and children are supposed to be annoying lol.