Saturday 20 December 2008

Taiwan Days 17-23

Dec 14th 2008

I was sick the whole day today. Nothing much except that I slept a lot and missed Pokemon movie - the Deoxys one.

Dec 15th 2008

Feeling better today. Still slept a lot and stayed home to recover. My stomach constantly feels bloated, as if there's gas inside.

Dec 16th 2008

My cousin (2nd Uncle's daughter) has returned from Qatar and is staying for about a week. Today she came to Granny's house and stayed all day, mainly using the computer and watching some TV. She has changed a lot!

Dec 17th 2008

Today me and my bro is to accompany our cousin to department store shopping.
after arriving at my 4th Uncle's computer shop, we went upstairs to the 7th floor where my 2nd Uncle's apartment was. I figured I have mild diarrhoea since all my poop isn't solid. DX My stomach kept feeling uncomfortable - I simply just don't know what the hell is wrong with it.

What I have to say is, she changed soooo much from 4 years ago. She's so American-ised, and wears make-up, worries about being pretty, has had boyfriends before - not one but two apparently, and reads those celebrity mags... etc etc. She's only 14 and yet it worries me for her future. D:
We ended up going to Cheng Ping Department Store, where we started off from the first level and looks at various clothes stores. We also went to a pet's accessories shop called Dog Wears Crown where they had 2 white fluffy dogs in the store and a whole lot of luxury pet items like clothes, food and collars, etc.
My stomach constantly felt bloated and had gas in it, it hurt a bit and was uncomfortable, so I ended up being slouchy (posture) for the whole day.
I remember spending ages in the bookstore on top, and saw quite a lot of MOOKs like Megami, Dengeki Hobby magazines and such. Mmm.... and there was a small section for manga.
Blame me for not having time to blog, I forgotten a lot of things. >o< Somehow we ended up at a horse stables place in the evening, and Joy takes private riding lessons here every year. I got to stroke horses' noses there, and then while my cousin went off for her lesson with a private instructor, we watched some TVBS news and there were adorable pandas on it. Aww... it was OK, a bit boring, but after she finished up her lessons we finally got to go home. I ate dinner really late that night. DX
Blogger keeps losing information and this is like, the 8000th time I've types this part out, because everytime I put in a emote with a "<" or a ">" it seems to think that it's an HTML tag and loses the text I type in between a formatting. DX Same thing with previous posts, I'm so sick of this.

Dec 18th 2008

Another department store today! This time, my cousin wants to watch Twilight. My feelings towards that film is like, ergh.... not something I would want to watch. I ended up going in with them anyway... the film was OK, it wasn't all lovey-dovey stuff, there was a bit of action. It was soooo obvious that the Cullens were wearing make-up to achieve the pale face. XDDDD
I received a free Twilight calendar thingy. It's quite small, if anybody wants it, I'll gladly give it to you.
Before we arrived at Shin Kong Mitsukoshi we had ramen at a nearby shop in Feng Chia. Yum! Cheap big bowls around $4 NZD! Wow! Anyways, after the movie, we headed for a BOOK STORE AGAIN YAY! Also, a stationary shop! I can spend ages just browsing the wares in a stationary shop and bookstore. Mmmmm....

Anyways, for dinner, we're going eating in the Feng Chia Nightmarket. That place is sooooooo popular! There was also a Turkish ice-cream guy, this time we saw him actually dishing out ice-cream! The ice-cream looked like play-sough is, and it's quite hard. He's been there for ages, I want an ice-cream next time round.
Since my stomach is still feeling odd, I chose to eat easy-to-digest noodles. It was quite nice, and it was a small bowl, so it filled me up pretty much good since my stomach shrank really seriously these past days. We had some egg cakes afterwards - they were so cute! The cakes anyway, ji dan gao. Yummmy!

Dec 19th 2008

HOT SPRINGS TODAY! My 2nd Uncle has some coupon things so we're going to Ho Yean Shan Hot Springs Recreational Area. I think I got the name right. First, we made a stop at Carrefour to buy some swimsuits. Wow, there's no one-piece's on the shelf. Anyways, my cousin bought a pink and black swim suit which I liked a lot but there was only one L size, so I bought a blue and white swimsuit. The pants were uncomfortable since the seam joining the two pieces together in the middle wasn't flat. >_<>
Oh, the first ride after lunch was a Mid-air Train. The wheels groaned since it was rusty but we sat on it again since the ride was short. That one was really enjoyable because when you look off the side it feels like you really are driving on air. I felt a little pressure that the train could go off the rail at any second because it was so narrow, but when I got off I saw that the wheels were fixed from the side also, and then I felt relieved.
They had a circus show too, at 3pm. It wasn't as entertaining as the Warner Bro's Circus back in NZ, but it sure made time go fast. After the mostly-acrobat-show-with-no-flamethrower-guy, we changed and got ready to soak. Ahhh.... the water felt silky and smooth, which left your skin feeling that way too. They had two massage chairs with bubbling effects, which we hogged near the end when there was no people. For some reason, we started singing songs badly since our voice vibrated when sitting/floating in the chairs, which was fun, but our throats hurt. Haha.
Doing push ups in the water is soooooooo easy, you should all try it some time. XDDD They had a shallow part, so that was where I did push-ups. XD
After a rinse and change of clothing, we headed for home at around 4:45pm - 5pm. By the time we reached Taichung again (the resort was in Miaoli) we were due for dinner with a Ma-bobo and his family. Apparently, he's dad's childhood friend.
Uh-oh. Goodness did I know that the place we were going was a steakhouse on the 11th floor of a Carrefour. AND, it was a full course western-styled meal. You know, like, an appetiser first, then salad, then soup, then mains steak meal, then dessert, then drink. DX
How was my tummy supposed to squish all this in!??! And, there was beef from NZ! The menu said "far away and the world's finest" for the NZ page. =3 *feels proud*
They had 2 pages for steak/the main meal, one was American steak, and the other page was NZ steak. Whoo!
The steaks were all sooooo big! I chose the smallest one, 8 ounces. DX It still looked mighty big to me. That one was $590, but I bet the whole set meal ended up costing more. Since it was on Ma-bobo's house, I didn't know the price.
I had to omochi kaeri my unfinished steak, and made just a little bit more space for Tiramisu dessert which I swapped for with pudding and ice-cream with my 2nd Uncle. Stretching my tummy even more, I drank some herbal honey tea. Ergh. So stuffed. If you want to take to to the "eat until you're full" meals, or full course western meals, you gotta starve me for at least 2 meals, man.
Tired out, took a shower, and went to bed once we got home. Zzz.

Dec 20th 2008

I ate the leftover steak from last night for brunch.
Stayed at home and rested today, nothing interesting.
Light show at night though. Here it goes!
My 2nd Uncle took us by car to an apartment mansion he used to manage. First, he went to greet one of his old workmates, and then after we explored the water feature garden place we headed towards the Charity Christmas Show, which I guess is a bit like Christmas in the Park. First we walked around the festival area and looked at the various stands. After we completed our round, we stood and watched some bellydancers perform on a small stage. When the belly and hip movements were over, we started to head home.
No, really, a real mountain goat, the type that they milk and sell the goat's milk, tethered to a tree. The owner guy were hanfing out free samples of the milk, and it tastes real nice, way nicer than the one that Granny is currently buying. It doesn't have that weird strong taste, and it was nicer than cow milk. Mmm.... the goat kept repeatedly trying to eat a wooden sign corresponsing to a tree, and tried to eat some jackets from people petting the goat. I got to stroke the goat, but it kept moving here and there, and turning its head. Its fur was real soft...
Anyways, after 2nd Uncle saud his goodbyes at his old apartment mansion place, we headed home.
What a busy week/half week. DX


Anonymous said...

I tried to leave a comment last night but it didn't send.

We have a 12 year old into make up here, your 14 year old isn't bad. Kind of average. We have a 14 year old like that but she has the aura of a 15-16 year old.

We saw a rat instead of a goat. And a skinny, tall (like when it's in a normal four legged stand position) and furry... like long fur.

sarinawilson23 said...

I have seen the website while searching internet and it has biggest collection of Horse Saddles, Leather Jackets, Apparel, Harness.