Friday 26 December 2008

Taiwan Days 26-29

Tuesday, Dec 23rd 2008

Today we hitched a ride on 5th Uncle's car to 4th Uncle's shop. There we stayed for an hour or so, using the computer, waiting for 2nd Uncle to come and tell us when it's time. After 2nd Uncle's meeting finished, we went upstairs to his apartment where Joy was also. 2nd Uncle wanted to rest a bit before setting off for lunch, so we watched some Discovery/Animal Planet and then headed towards MOS Burger, where Joy's mum's parents were going to treat us out for lunch. MOS Burger had hamburgers. And rice burgers. What did you expect? It's got burger in the name. XD
It was quite nice, since the whole thing was a set/combo and I was quite full. Nice fries. Nice ketchup.
After parting and saying goodbye, we headed back to Feng Chia where Joy wanted to borrow a Pokemon DVD to watch. So in vain we searched for some video stores near their house but none of them have Pokemon. Then we walked past Formosa Glasses and popped in the shop to see if Joy's contacts were done. She also bought coloured contacts for her school prom. Purple ones.
Fatigue took over so we went home to the shop and waited for some time before heading home home.
This was Joy's last day in Taichung.

Wednesday, Dec 24th 2008

Christmas Eve.
Anime marathon.
Not much done really.
I hoped that Santa might being me something this year.
I have been a good kid. I think.

Thursday, Dec 25th 2008

Christmas. Woke up and accomplied Granny to the market. Bought mainly a huge bag of eggs, some fish and squid, and two bunches of Han Choy.
Anime marathon in the afternoon.
Not much done. Ate a Ferrero Rocher though.
Santa-san ended up not giving me anything again this year. It's the 17th year in a row. :<

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What are rice burgers like?

Then maybe Santa thinks you're a bad girl XDDD