Friday 26 December 2008

Taiwan Day 30

Friday, Dec 26th 2008

Boxing Day.
In the afternoon me and my bro wanted to go out to that Animanga House at Yi Jhong Jie. Boxing Day shopping. Gift shopping for myself, really. Kinda sad. T_T
Anyways, I managed to buy 4 R18 books... nyahahhahahah!
Also spotted a French curve set... it was cheap so I bought one. Yay!

Photos come soon since I'm using my cousin's lappy. I saw quite a lot of artbooks there, and merchandise.

It's nice to go out and walk. I think I have rediscovered the joy of the Outside.


Anonymous said...

Isn't it polluted outside? I realise that Taiwan is obviously more cleaner and tidier than China but isn't it still polluted DDDX

I never open the windows at the hotel because air that is even more polluted than the stuff inside will come in >.<

Roll said...

Well, it's not that bad compared to Taipei, really. Just think of it as Auck city air, bit more polluted, but also different at the same time. Hmmm... I guess you don't really notice it now, but in the first two weeks I certainly had a lot of snot with dust stuff in it. XD

In short, you can't really feel the difference when you go outside. It's actually nice smelling after you get off the car when my 5th Uncle's been driving and smoking, *cough cough*.

Wow, China sounds really bad. That's why the Olympics board people organization thingy were complaining about the air, and if it is healthy for the athletes and such. I remember it still didn;t reach the World Health Org's standards though. Come to Taiwan some time! I'll be bound to take you to nightmarkets, animanga houses, and such.

Anonymous said...