For breakfast I had the 木材麵包 and the peanut bun. The peanut bun was very aromatic, I think I will enjoy it.
Then I tried to sort out my luggage a bit, but still can't fit it into the box and suitcase... I haven't even put the rice in. And I have 2 sets of bed sheets....
Decided to go over to 四叔's first and ask if he has any other boxes. 二叔 came back and brought lunch so I took it with me to 四叔's. I walked as I had the two Chishang rice to gift and when I got to the corner with 7-11 I realised I had forgotten the bentou lunch.... I went back to get it.
I got to 四叔's and they were having lunch too. I noticed 四叔 picked out all the white bitter gourd and put it on the lid. He ate it later though, so I see he likes to save the favourite for last (I asked him). The lunch 二叔 bought for me is a "healthy" type and it has a lot of rice. It's not as heavily flavoured but since there was so much rice I was really full. 四叔 put some tea on after I finished eating (thank you this is what I needed) whilst I waited for 二叔 to pick me up. I gave 四叔 and 五叔 their rice. 四嬸 asked about my trip and I thanked her for her concern when I was alone travelling. She asked me where I went and I said Anping Gubao, Treehouse, Chikhan Tower, etc, and she said all teh Chiayi and Tainan kids would be taken there for a day trip as schoolkids. Considering how many primary school kids I saw, it be true. 😂 騙小孩一日遊 she said 😂😂
Then 二叔 came and honked the horn and off we go to 新社花海, about 40 mins drive. I didn't understand what it was until we entered the main area. First we stopped at a community marketplace, or sponsor vendor stalls? One was a conservation effort and detailed the equipment used for tracking and the camera. It's so cool. One chart showed the different Formosa bears activity areas in different colours. And I saw a kit where you make insects from twigs and a wooden body. This is really amazing because they gotta pick the right twig in the right size, with the right angle bend, and trim/tidy it up for the insect legs. Major appreciation.
When we got into the main area, it literally is just a field of flowers, like and ocean, planted stragetically in colour blocks. They also have show pieces and it's really extravagant. It's lovely. Brings a crown and business to the area, since there are food stall area and farmers market type area. Parking is also $100 for the day, so they earn on that too. The train goes to the nearest stop and then there's a shuttle coach to the location. Some flowers weren't in bloom yet but they will be soon. There's an announcement that asks for people to not step into the flowers, etc etc and not to... pee or poo on the flowers, so it can be kept pretty and enjoyed by all. I was like ??? People have done that before?? Gone toilet in the flower fields... I spotted a girl stepped into the sunflowers... for a photo, and the photog's feet was in the smaller flowers bordering the field. Naughty. And one dude just spat into the sunflower field. Ugh. Why can't people respect the flowers??
There was a babu at the sponsor area when we entered... but I was too full. There was another one before the main exhibit area for the flowers. I was still too full. 😭
After the flower exhibition area, we looked at the food stalls area and farmers market area.
Then it was almost 4:30pm so we headed back. On the way back we stopped at a famous dessert shop (kinda like Meet Fresh), and they even had their own parking lot!!! We got 2 to take home.
For dinner 二叔 went to buy 一心臭豆腐 and a Fujian fried noodles. Otsukare. The stinky tofu was lit. Just as I remember it. So good. Right crispy, good fermented flavour, and heaps of cucumber and pickles. Good level of spicy. No wonder they're still super popular.
For dessert we had the taro kumara balls, taro mash, pearls and grass jelly from Dongdong YuYuan. It's very aromatic and not overly sweet. The taro mash was sweet though. I think they use brown sugar for the syrup.
Macguyver was on TV and 二叔 watched that. I watched half and when I finished my dessert, I went to watch more Freiren on my laptop.
Probs sleep early today and tackle the luggage again tomorrow. I don't wanna go back....
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