Friday 3 November 2023

Taitung Day 2 (Chishang)

I can't believe I am finally here, the place I dreamed of, ever since I saw a documentary about the area and the farmer's collective mission to keep the area organic.

In the morning, the proipetress brang me 水煎包 x2 and 豆漿. The 水煎包 was pretty lit - cabbage and some mince. Very nice. The spicy sauce was also very nice. Sat by the window and stared outside while I ate, and saw a brown spotted bird of medium size. How queer. It just loitered slowly by the window for a bit. Then I went to check if my laundry was dry yet, nope.

So I went and had a look around in the farmyard, it was very cute. The proipetress grows lemongrass, a type of grass that looks like weed but smells like passionfruit. And a "mysterious fruit" which is a little red berry with white flesh. She said it eat it after lemon, and the taste will be more prominent. It will taste like lemon first and then change to orange. How interesting. There's also 桂花 and mulberry and other sorts. The proipetress likes to make tea and other products from it.

After checking that out, I checked the time table - there's a train at 10am. Ok, off I go - the proipetress double checked for me. Thanks!! The ticket was $27 and I thought, 10 mins is ok - KF94 up on ear saver. Sat next to an auntie who asked me questions, and was travelling with her family and grandkids. She was very friendly.

I got off at 池上 and wow the station is so cute. Amazing. They have painted artwork and calligraphy along the tunnel connecting the platform and station hall. There's a small shop at the station selling mochi - I took a photo and made sure to come back later. 

Off I go, I found the bicycle rental. There's a bunch of aunties making work hard for the bosslady. Soz. I'll wait patiently. She suggested an electric bike for me. Never rode one before - sure thing! $300 for the day - return at 5pm. 

I met another lady who also rented the bicycle and talked to her. She was going to 大池豆腐, so sure I went along. Since they sell out fast, and once sold out, they're sold. I lucked out in that there's still a small table, and it's right next to the gate so as close as possible to fresh air. The lady (I later learnt her name was Amy) treated me to one, I wanted 豆花 so she got me one ($35). She also got 豆皮 and shared 2 pieces with me. Even without any sauce it was still pretty yummy. The sugar syrup/water in the 豆花 was brown sugar, so it's yummy and very fragant. Quite soft and silky. Niceeee. Very good.

After that we headed to Kaneshiro tree. We started off at the wrong end of Brown Bouvelard, but that's fine! We stopped at the Waterwheel and lots of people were taking turns to take photos. Pity it's sunny today (relentless), and not cloudy. Makes for harsh lighting. Then off to Kaneshiro tree. Lots of people too. I helped quite a few people take photos and they were generally happy with what I took. Heh. Whilst waiting I spotted a rice plant with the pink eggs of a snail on it. 😭 childhood memories. I remember there being a fair amount of these eggs in the rice paddies near my old house, and even though they are a pest it was fun to spot them.

They put little manhole plates into the ground on the famous spots and where the camera was.That was neat. Made sure to take some photos of actual Brown Bouverlard. I got Amy one where she's sitting on the yellow lines and landscape. She was happy. We also stopped somewhere and she managed to get a jumping photo of me in the rice grains. Yuuuss. Down the Bvld we go. I stopped at the ice cream truck/stand and got a bottle of ice oolong tea instead. $50.

After the tree we headed along to the top of Brown Bvld. The photo frame and sign is here. There is a rest stop and I went to the toilet up the road first, accidentally stopped at a homestay, and got redirected further up. I should've taken the bike, didn't know it was that far lol. After that I came back and got a custard apple ice block. $55. Nice stuff. There was a bicycle tour group that arrived as I got back from the toilet and they spent a long time taking photos, amongst other people. Plus rest (I are the rest of my breakfast bread from yesterday and 3 biscuits left) and waitng for photo chance, we spent about an hour here? There's a statue of Mr Brown (coffee) but he's gone off for repairs. So it's just the viola/cello. Someone stuck a branch in the middle of the cello, so you can pretend to play it lol. 

After this stop, we went to 大觀亭 Great View Pavilion. Daaaamn the view from top is amazing. Both sides. Just. *french kiss*

Hell the whole place has an amazing view. Now I know why they wanted to protect this view. It's awesome. Moves the heart. No words. Magnificient. 

We wanted to go to 錦園洗衣亭 but got lost and ended up at Dapo Pond instead. They have kayak hire! Sadly I'm not prepared, otherwise I would go. There was a busker playing jazz, and I put in $10 for him a little later.

I saw an ice cream stand so I went there immediately as I arrived. Parked the bike, ohhh no there's also a 豆花 stand. I decided to get 嫩仙草 which turned out to be iced grass jelly drink. Like it was nice, but I can't help but think there's a garlicy taste in it? Maybe from the fridge they made it in? It was $30 or $40 I think.

Then I went and sat down near Amy while she was taking heaps of photos. I finished my drink, we to the bathroom to wash my hands, and then back for the ice cream.... oh not the tea eggs people are back. 2 tea eggs please. $40. I asked where I can get postcards. They said the post shop should have some with photos on it. Cool.

The tea eggs were really hot, they said did I want to smash them? There's a brick covered in thick brown paper. Oh cool, yeah! It blended in with the table so well lol. Since it was too hot, I went to get ice cream - they have honeydew! $60. All goods. Small money for fun time. I saw down to lick my ice cream, and didn't end up eating my tea eggs... Amy left to go eat delicacies in town. I took photos around the pond, then decided to go to the post office before it closes, since it was close. I got there, and there's a water bison statue outside. Neat!!! They didn't have any, just blank ones. But the staff lady told me to go to the bookshop across teh road. Cool! Okay it's 80m, google says, I ended up biking too far. Twice. Lol whoops. Turns out it's very small and much closer than I thought. It's a really cute small bookshop. 5 postcards at $35 each. Thanks! The bookshop lady said they didn't have any stamps collecting book though. So sad.

Next, back to the pond, let's go to the 錦園洗衣亭. I cycled along Dapo pond and took photos. There's people fishing! The view is just stunning. Stopped by a couple of small pathways into the rice paddies, and took photos. The clouds have come and now there's a visible stream of sunlight coming through the clouds near the mountains... beauty... helped some other people get photos, and one lady offered to take a photo of me. Thanks! I think she managed to get a jumping photo (I haven't sorted them out). There's one guy with a big guitar bag, and I offered to get him photos since he was up on teh viewing deck, but you can get a better view from the paddy path just next to the viewing deck. He was happy with the photo I took. Makes me happy!

Onto and finally at the Laundry Pavilion. It's a cute little water channel. Next to it a farmer was harcesting rice, and they were using the chute to empty the rice from the harvesting vehicle into another one. It's like 4:30pm and I needed to go to return the bike. I decided to head back to the top of Brown Bvld to buy rice in those small packets I saw, but it was closed...

Since it was cloudy, photos were better now. A worker was repainting the Brown Bvld letters on the signpost in white paint. I got someone to take photos of me. Why am I so unattractive lol. Ah well. I'm got and sweaty.

Alright, off I go, to return the bike. On the way back I went along Dapo pond, a local? was harvesting something near what I think are the lotuses in the pond. He had a little cutter. And then saw an artwork statue I missed earlier. Oh shit I totally forgot to Pokego today. Passing by the water channel next to teh cycling path opposite the pond, somelocal caught a fish!! And was taking it out of the water channel as I rode past. That's so cool. There's fish in this wider channel??? Ahhhhh.

Ride fast now. Back to the train station. Return the bike. Told the boss lady that I was very happy and riding it was easy. She was happy to hear that, and commented on how some people say they weren't happy. I was like ??? that's so sad but didn't say anything much back, just thanked her and left. I headed towards the Farmers Assoc. store and met Amy on the way, she was going to return the bike. Said meet you at the store. 

I ended up spending like $2500 at the store, buying rice, and coming out. First purchase $1400, of black fungus, glutinious rice, and all rice, then regret cause the bag is heavy. Then rested with Amy outside. She gave me a fried mochi-like snack from 好煎炸 store and I said, are you sure??? Well I won't say no. Amy went to take photos of the food stores next door, and I went back inside and bought another 2 bags of rice, $1000, and asked the coutner gentleman if they do sending for me. Oh cool, they do! He gave me a form to fill out, and I stood on the side trying to figure the form out to send to uncle's shop. I asked how much, and he said it's free over $2000 purchase. Oh cool! And he was patient with me when I said I'm not familiar with the form. Thanks so much. 

After that, I went out and said to Amy, I am going to go to the 飯包 place for dinner, and she was going to go get something else. Said bye, and I went. They only have signature fanbao left. That's fine. $90. I wanted to sit outside next to the train carriage but they closed it off. Awww. Fortunately there is seating outside the toilets so I got myself some soup and sat out there. It's a bit dark. When I washed my hands upon arrival, there's a brown spider as big as my palm near the sink... gave me a surprise.... no thanks (there's no glass). I had the soup and checked the train timetable. Oh... Next one at 6:44pm otherwise it's a 9pm one. Okay that's 20 mins... guess I'll take the dinner home to eat. Rearranged my shopping and went. Amy sent me a LINE message asking where I am, I said I am still here... I don't see you... I was at the toilets... on the other side. I met up with her again and walked to the station. Her bus is at 8pm. She was taking photos of the station and I went to buy my ticket, and the mochi. Ticket $27, mochi $150. It's Yuzu flavoured! Also picked up my train ticket for tomorrow.

Saw Amy taking photos from the entrance, so went out and said goodbye properly. Then I went to catch my train, only like 5 mins left. 

I made sure to wash my face and N95 up at the 飯包 place, since my KF94 is dank and sweaty. Good choice, someone was coughing on the train carriage. Ew. I'm gonna suffer tomorrow... pray.... (there's no business class tickets left).

Walk home, get inside, eat my dinner. It's actually really good? Everything is tasty and not heavily flavoured. The rice is great. Like you just keep eating. Not sure if hunger, or. Then I had one of the tea eggs.

Went outside to clear my rubbish, and the proipetress came out to answer m question I sent her earlier over LINE. I didn't see her reply lol. yes she has lobogao (turnip cake) for breakfast. Yuuus. She also skinned and cut papaya out for me????? 🥺 She's so nice??? On a Doraemon themed plate and fork too. Too good. I thanked her and went back inside, took a shower cause I'm sticky, and had the papaya.

Packed most of my luggage and finally finished blogging. 11pm now, I need to sleep.

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