Monday 6 November 2023

Taipei Day 2 (Animate and Underground Shopping Mall)

 Yima got my lobogao and a danbin today. Hooray! This lobogao also had ham in it, and some onion/garlic, I think. Not my ideal but still yummy. The danbin (egg flatbread omelette?) was OK. I ate it all and had milk tea for drink.

Once done, I popped twice?? and hopped out. I got to Ximen around 11am and had a look at the Red Building. It looks really cool. I didn't go inside. A lot of shops are closed Monday.

Then I headed towards Animate - and got pulled in by a lady trying to sell me Nu+Derma skincare. That took about 20-30mins with them demo-ing products because I'm not good at pushing people away. Their products, on special, are reasonable, but full price, it's like $150 for a single product. Ew. Feels nice though.

Once I'm free I headed to Animate and spent like 1.5hr in the dungeon looking at the 2nd hand stuff/Lashinban. Cause all my fandoms are older or niche, I have to dig through the "misc" sections. I managed to find 1 Appmon badge of Astra and Musimon!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Score!!!!!!! Only $50! This is a new badge for me.... that means there's a set somewhere... aw man. I can't complete. I had to take him home though.

Whilst I was browsing through the first misc section, I got a call, and it ended up being the courier for the SD cards I ordered off PChome???? I thought I selected conbini pickup???? The courier guy was really nice though, and asked if I wanted to leave it at the kanri-room and asked where it is. I'm like uuuuh let me call home and ask where it is cause I'm staying with a relative. So I called the landline and Yima was home, so I let her know how much it cost ($777) and she was able to pick it up for me. I called the courier back and told him to hit the doorbell number, and someone is home to be able to receive the delivery. Thank goodness. I was so apologetic but he was really nice about it 😭

I managed to find Animate cafe, but it's Blue Lock. So I just took photos of the outside and left. They didn't have a toilet either... I went to the nearby 7 and they had a toilet. I was getting hungry (almost 2pm) and bought an onigiri (bacon egg) and baumkuchen (choc outer ring). I saw outside the Taisugar building near Animate and ate it. There's a pair of trains outside which had a QR code to swipe (I took a photo to check the story later).

Then went back inside Animate to get Blue Lock photos for a friend and bought them a Blue Lock plush as xmas gift.

Next I tried to find toranoana and walked by too far. The entrance isn't easy to find as it's 2F up a building with just the security guard/counter on the first floor in a small space. There's some interesting TW made creations but most of the stuff is 18+ or BL/GL so I didn't stay too long as it doesn't interest me at this point.

Continued on towards Beimen, and passed a shop selling beef pepper cakes. Yes please!!! Bought 2, $120. Continued down and there's a travel plaza, nice open space, and seating, so I sat down and ate a pepper cake. Realised I was dangerously low on water so only ate 1. Then kept walking towards the Underground Shopping Mall entrance. And spotted a drinking fountain? Ok! The red brick building for this restaurant, I assume, is closed, and there's public seating so I just sat and ate the last pepper cake. Yummy. But also very filling. I got through half and started to struggle. I saw what looks like a homeless spread out some plastic from a distance, and they laid down on it, and scratched their butt (under their shorts). He also checked out the bushes under the trees where the seating are before he did that. I wonder what he was trying to find. Cigarette butts maybe? 

I headed towards the Mall/Station entrance and there's an old brick relic!! From the Qing dynasty!! The park/facility it's part of seems to be closed today. But I still got to see the brick wall up close!!!

So cool. Then in the station there's more relics!!! Like from excavations!! So lit!!!!!! I wish I had more time to stare properly as it was almost 4pm, so I tried to make it quick. They had like 12 pits in total I think.

I just browsed the mall and went up and down a lot. A lot of shops are closed Mondays. I forgot to keep an eye out for the maid-themed eateries since my aim was to finish the other side of the mall. I ended getting confused again cause I went through the same shops a couple of times, and also coming out and getting confused which direction I went in. I ended up shopping until 8pm... and headed home (since I wasn't hungry). I decided to do one Ichibankuji draw for World Trigger, and got C-sho. I got Konami so out of that set (it's blind boxed), it's the best result!!! Stopped by the Vineyard bakery before I got on the bus, got a lemon cake (it's not covered though... worried about fomite transmission), and a "kumara bake" which looks like a kumara enclosed in dough.

Once I got home, I felt super tired. Had a tiny bit of dinner to eat, rehydrated, showered, had a mini bath for my feet, and it's 11:30pm now after blogging.

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