Friday 23 January 2009

Taiwan Day 59

Friday, Jan 23rd 2009

Wow~ I woke up at almost 10 am today. I had a really nice/weird/awesome dream that I can't remember before I woke up. Awwww.
I yukkuri'd and ate a big as rice ball for breakfast, more like brunch though. I couldn't finish it.... eheheh....

Then, when I heard that Dad was going to get lunch for the rest of the family via SCOOTER, my eyes lit up like Nyanko-sensei when he hears that there's sashimi.
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! I got to ride on a scooter again! Whoooooooooo!
Bought obentous for Alan and Dad and 2nd Uncle. Then we rode a bit to Jhong Shin Vegetarian to mum's lunch.
Anyways~ I pretty much yukkuri'd all day. I went downstairs to 7-Eleven to pick up my +Anima volume 10 that they didn't have stock from my last order. Brrrr.... cold front's arrived. During the past 2 days it's been like, 26°C. And it's supposed to be winter.
The wind's real chilly, since it's from Mainland China and supposedly it's been snowing there.

At night all of us except mum went to eat Ramen in Feng Chia Nightmarket for dinner. Heh~ Dad told the store owner lady that he was 4th Uncle's bro since they often come here. We scored a free small plate of veges. XD
Ramen was nice~ but the real highlight of the evening was cotton candy/candy floss. I'll tell you!

I saw a bike tied up with big bags of candyfloss. Wow. I wanted one. So I got dad to agree to buy some. Ah, blog's here by the way. You can see what the store's like.
The stall owner was like: "You wanna try making your own floss?"
And I was like: "Eh? ..... OK!"

Weeeeeeee! He taught me how to make it, keep it spinning and move it up and down. Wow~ it ain't easy. But it was real fun~ it was a real big bunch as well. The flavour was 'black sugar', I think it's unprocessed sugar in English. ^o^
He then took a photo of me with my floss, saying that he would stick it on the stall's blog. XDDD Heheheh!
You can go check it out once he puts it on! Wheeeeeeeeee!

It was such a big bunch of floss, and it was only for $30 NTD! That's value!
Yum..... delicious....

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