Tuesday 13 January 2009

Taiwan Days 44-50

Thursday, Jan 8th 2009

(ΘεΘ;) Complete laterz

Friday, Jan 9th 2009

Parents come back tomorrows. Started packing up stuff into boxes - managed to amass quite a lot!

Saturday, Jan 10th 2009

Today my parents come back to Taiwan from NZ. I finished packing up stuff into boxes (3 of them, that's a lot - mostly thanks to the clothes that Gran keeps buying us even when we keep saying "No, don't".) and taped them down, plus one or two more plastic bags full of.... clothes.
On the way there and in 4th Uncle's car, he gave us a little talk about time, and not wasting it, etc, life's lessons, etc.

Sunday, Jan 11th 2009

Today's the first full day in Taiwan for my parents, and the first full day at our new temporary house. After going downstairs and having breakfast at a Hong Ya - the rice milk was exceptionally delicious, the main point for today was for mum to go visit my Nana. We spent the rest of the morning at her apartment, and then headed down for lunch at a vegetarian place not too far away. When we got off the elevator mum met a mother of a friend of hers, and asked where she lived. Level 3, Unit 1. I think. I can't remember the unit.
We walked back home after lunch, and then I can't remember what we did after that. (ΘεΘ;)

Monday, Jan 12th 2009

After having dinner at Gran's we stopped on the way home at a supermarket shop place. But it has no veges and meat and stuff, just general merchandise. I don't know what that type of shop is called in English, it'll be Fu Li Jhong Shin - Service Centre, but mum bought some things and I bought feminine hygiene things.

Tuesday, Jan 13th 2009

Hmmmm, interesting.
Follow up.

Anyways, today, I uh..... doh. This is what you get for not blogging for such a long time.
Ok, we headed over to Shao Jo Ma's for lunch. I had Sour Spicy noodles. It was nice, a different kind of SS noodles. After them talking or an hour, we decided to leave for Vege Market over at Shui Lan. It's quite big for a Vege Market. And no, despite it being called a Vege Market they sell all sorts of stuff. Even hot dog stands. Hang on, we left for the dentist's, check ups and stuff. We then stopped by the Market afterwards. The dentist washed my teeth, some of it was painful, like teeth root pain. But my teeth is whiter now! Not by much, I got dad's yellow teeth genes. DX
We bought candy!!! Candies that only Taiwan produces!!! I think. I like to think of it as Taiwan candy. Ok, and we ended up buying steamed peanuts. They're like, "Once you pop you can't stop." No seriously, I ate one and had the urge to eat more. I ate 3-4 in total. I think a bit more than that before I stopped myself. Ho~
At night we went back to Granny's for dinner. D: For some weird reason I couldn't really consume her cooking. I dunno, is it because I've gone back to eating lighter these days, and her cooking's real heavily flavoured compared to ours?
After finishing dinner, somehow my bro got us to stop by Kuan Fu Road's Kuroi San Rensei, so he could buy stuff that he wanted and his friends wanted. I bought a Jade Curtiss (Tales of the Abyss) figure for my friend.
It ended up being A LOT, a big box and a big Katekyou paper bag made its way into the car and into his room. Lolz. ^_^

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