Monday 26 January 2009

Taiwan Days 60-62

Saturday, Jan 24th 2009

Today is the day before New Year's Eve. We call it Shao Nen Yei, or "Little Year's Eve". Ah, we have to spend a whole day at Gran's house today. Whooo~ Nothing much happened except that I watched some anime, played some Wii, read some stuff and surfed on the net. All of the family crammed into one apartment. Oh boy, there's the New Year atmosphere.

Sunday, Jan 25th 2009

Uwaaah~~~ another full day at Gran's again. This time the whole family + 3rd Uncle's black dog Ler Ler (Happy Happy) came back. Stayed until like, 11:30pm. Today is New Year's Eve, or "Chyu Shi". The Year of the Rat is ending, and the Year of the Ox is coming.
Heh, did pretty much what I did yesterday. But, instead, there's some added blogging material. Whoo!
All the kids and some Uncle and Aunties expect me went to Jin Der Elementary to play basketball. When the came back they told us that they ended up playing baseball because the court was too crowded.
At night all of us went out to let fireworks off. Now, the fireworks they bought is largely different to the ones you usually see in NZ. If you want to buy the ones you see in NZ, they cost a few hundred bucks. Anyways, they bought Chon Ten Pao, or sky rockets. They're little sticks with the firework head stuck on the end of the stick. You prop it up like a rocket, and set it on fire, err, I meant set it off. It shoots towards the sky, sometimes making a sound, then blowing up with a bang and a ball of small sparkles. Other times it goes up spinning, and then blowing up.
We also got to play with sparklers, and these fountains things that just sparkle and glitter and stuff.
After a while after we came back, people started giving out red packets! Yay! Do you want to know what's inside them? Money! It's like what you would get for Xmas I guess. ;D
3rd Uncle gave everyone a memorial coin of the Taiwan Aboriginal Culture series, every year a different tribe.
The spoils are.... ;D $3300 NTD!
Overall, it was a fun day, and we came back quite late. I finally got to sleep at around 1am after showering and stuffs. ;o

Monday, Jan 26th 2009

the second day of New Year's! Today we go to Nana's house - I'm actually looking forward to seeing my Nana.
*tries to remember what happened that day but fails*
We had lunch cooked by my Yi Ma and mum. Ummm.... I got to watch my daily programs. We stayed to the evening.

Lots of people I can't remember or haven't met before were there. They're supposed to be my relatives but honestly, I don't have much recollection of them.

This is what happens when you procrastinate blogging for too long...
Ah! I got another $2000 for spoils from my red packet. I have $5300 now~
One was from my Shao Yi Ma who went back to her mother's home, and another $1000 was form my Nana.

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