Thursday 22 January 2009

Taiwan Days 57-58

Wednesday, Jan 21st 2009

Cutting to the chase~ for lunch we went to an all vegetarian restaurant that has been open for quite a few years. It's also quite famous. Heh, there was a wedding going on when we got there. Anyways, it was kinda like mostly buffet mixed with yum cha styles. It was quite lovely and I got to taste some new foods that I haven't seen before. Mum also met a former workmate of hers, back before she married Dad. Wow~ long history there.

This evening I have a meeting with a childhood friend that I haven't seen in at least 6 years. Had dinner at Granny's again. I forgot why we got there later than usual. :/
Anyways, after finishing dinner we walked all the way to Yi Jhong Jye's Animanga house called Je Bi. We were supposed to meet her at 7pm, but she ended up coming late, but that's okay. She had kendou lessons beforehands. Wow! She got taller (bit she says he hasn't), and her face hasn't changed dramatically. We spent the evening chatting, took those photos from those machines (i forgot the Eng name for them), went to Kuroi San Rensei since she didn't know about them, and basically spent the whole evening browsing through Animanga houses. :)
It was nice meeting her again after such a long time. ^_^

Thursday, Jan 22nd 2009

Haircut in line today! Dad dropped mum off at the barber's and then came back for me. Whoo! I got to ride a scooter again! Wheeeeeeeeee! Then he dropped me off and went away to do some other stuff. :D
Yay~ I got massage treatment and a nice hairstyle. Woot!
Walked home and was starving for lunch. Turned out that my bro and dad went out for lunch... they came back and dad ended up going buying lunch for mum and me.

After some relaxation and burping (excuse me), it was time to head over to my Nana's. Yay! I got to knead dough again! That feeling under my fingers.... ahhhh.... they were making this sort of... uhhh.... pancake thing? Anyways, it's a sort of 餅. Roll flat, sprinkle salt, sesame oil/lard, some pepper, flavouring/herbs to taste, rolled up, twist and squish. Then roll again. Etc etc.
Fry on a pan thing without a handle.
Yum~ it's really filling.
Talk talk talk, ohhh, Spongebob, talk, watch TV.... passed the time.
Then, it was time for us to leave. Bye bye~

When we got back home (walking), me and my bro headed off to Feng Chia Nightmarket for TEH TURKISH ICE CREAM. HAH. I would sooooooooooo recommend you to eat it at least once. :D
Because.... it's absolutely delicious! Plus...
Ok, he seems like he scoops your ice cream onto a cone. He hands it over to you BUT....
As soon as you think he's going to put it into your hand, he takes it away from you! The whole time the flat metal scoop is sticking to the ice cream, and then ice cream is on the cone...
and then he does it again! Ah! No... my ice cream.... and does it again!
At last, he seems to have put it in your hand, only to fool you again! OH NO! You think the ice cream is going to fall since it's topping over..... only to find that it's yet another trick! :D
OR, he hand you your ice cream on the cone with the scoop.... it's in your hands, but the scoop is still attached.... he takes the scoop away... only to find that he took the ice cream away as well! Arghhh! My ice cream!!! I paid for it you know!!! Aren't you gonna give me my ice cream....?
But don't worry! He grabs another cone and puts the ice cream on.... and hand it to you. Packing the last trick, he makes the ice cream with the cone topple over.... and you think it's gonna fall again! Only to find that he quickly revert it and it's another trick.
Awesome performance. Hehehe....
If there's a line his show is even better, scoop, attach, hit the bells hanging from his trolley stand thing, fall, sleight of hand, etc etc!

Yay! I finally get to eat my ice cream!
Umai! Brainfreeze! Yummy! Different texture and taste.... it's absolutely delicious. And it;s only $30 NTD too.

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