Tuesday 20 January 2009

Taiwan Days 56-57

Monday, 19th Jan 2009

OK, lesse... for lunch all of us except mum went to a nearby buffet. The stuff was pretty good, free rice and soup, but I just didn't like the garlic flavouring in some of their dishes.
Blah blah, time skip.
For dinner, we went back to Gran's again. Lalala, ok and then on the way home we stopped by at the Kuroi San Rensei's again. Alan wanted to buy that limited edition 300 copies Aria Alicia doll with Aria Shachou. He asked for the price. It was in the low $10,000's. Shock. :O
There's a guy that's saving up money to buy it, or so the shop lady told us.
We went off to the middle shop, the one with heaps of figures. I bought my last volume of a manga series, and looked at a Tales of the Abyss kechain set. Cute. :3
Went home after completing mostly Alan's rounds.

At home, I had to go upstairs to get my icash for 7-Eleven. Huh. Turns out they sold out of Coro Coro. Went and checked Hi-life. Yes, 3 copies. Went upstairs to get money. Bought it. Good thing I took $100 in coins, because it suddenly inflated to $99 instead of the $85 for last month's issue. DX
Dad came back and bought Lemon Cake. ♥
Haven't had it in suuuuuuuuuuch a long time. Yummy!

Tuesday, 20th Jan 2009

This morning I had more Lemon Cake. ♥
Then, dad took us by car to the National Museum of Natural Science, and dropped us off. The Mammoth exhibit was there! Wow~ a complete real mammoth called Yukagir. It was evacuated in a near perfect state, frozen in permafrost. I actually saw the real thing, restored. Wow~
Stamps and pamphlets as a souvenir. We even got free notebooks from purchasing the tickets!
Then... we had a look at Microscopic World. Ewww... cockroaches. Ohhh, Dory, Martin/Nemo and that French shrimp guy. :D
Skull in the tank next to it~
Anyways, after my complains about hunger, we searched for Maccies and had lunch there. D:
There was school trip groups and it was so noisy. >o<
After lunch, we went and looked at the Austronesians of Taiwan, Spiritual Life of the Ancient Chinese, Egyptian mummies, Chinese mummies, Oceania Polynesians, and the God of Earth in Taiwan (AKA Tu Di Gong). I really liked the Native Taiwanese's display. :D

Also along with a Bird's eye view show, and a theatrical seasons. That was so awesome. The music composed fitted so well with the program, and the floor rotated slowly, sitting down, you were surrounded by screens that would come out and go back up, showing us different scenes of life throughout the four seasons. A door thing would open from the wall and show us stuff. Wow~ it was truly a magnificent experience.
The Bird's Eye View theatrical worked by having you stand on a platform 3 stories high, looking down into a curved basin where they projected images. The images were awesome, waterfalls, rivers, forests, mountains, etc. It really felt like I was flying through the air...

Then, after killing some short time and toilet breaks (I was so thirsty during the whole time), we went to the souvenir store. Yay! I found the Tu Di Gong keychain as shown on a sign outside the exhibit. I bought it, it was only $50 bucks~
Then, after killing some more time trying the games at the shop, we went downstairs to a science place. Whoo~ haven't been here in a long time~
Had a look around, and then exited the museum. Dad was alreay waiting to pick us up.

Yay! Water in the car! Drank it all, wasn't much. Still thirsty. Then we went to Yein Ayi's house. T_T It was time for my Pokemon DP but the atmosphere wasn't right, so I didn't get to see it, since she was telling mum and dad how Yein Bo Bo passed away.
Anyways, lalala, got charged for parking ($20), we went back to Gran's for dinner.
Left at about 7:35pm. Got home, watched anime, showered, and now I'm blogging.


Anonymous said...

I'm impressed at how detailed you remember things! Sounds like a great trip so far!

Roll said...

Hey, I try! Thanks!

The most annoying thing about Blogger is that every time I use an emoticon with "<" or ">" in it it erases everything until the next rich text formatting. Uwaaah~~~!!!

Thanks for commenting, Beeg!