Friday 13 October 2023

Hsinchu Day 1

Okay, so technically it's day 2 because yesterday I arrived, got into the hotel, and basically crashed.

Today, I woke up with the time difference around 6am. I took my sweet time to get ready, munched some cheese and crackers from the plane, and went out for a walk.

Today we did so much. 

Ohhhhh boy. 7:15am and I'm already sweating. I was wearing long pants and a jumper. My KF94 was pooling with sweat and any thing tighter that ear looping it was nah-ah. Help. 

I headed to the temple market, the target this time being 牛舌餅 shop thay opens like 6:30am but gets sold out so fast. People line up around 5am apparently, and buy in bulk. Once sold out the owner closes for the day. Wow. It feels like a fairy food.

Well, I didn't have internet and I got lost, lol. Managed to find my way. Had a really neat walk. Got there, and was looking for people lining up but didn't see... So I went around the block. The market had a few stalls/stores open early for 菜市場 style and several getting ready for the day. I passed a shop that looked like a 雜貨店 with eggs and odd bits out in the front, and was very happy that they still exist. 

I passed a place where I noticed the asphalt that had letters painted on the road, broken up but a tree root underneath and the paint slightly cracked. 

I ended up coming round the block and finally found the store... It was already closed LOL. 

Ah well, nvm. Time to head back. Mmm lovely, the green walking man is on at the pedestrian crossing but cars still turn. Good to see this hasn't changed LOL. 

Passed a 7-11 on the way back and hopped in to check my Yoyo Card balance. One was - $5 lol, and other had $529 on it. Cool! Thanks 10 yrs ago me. 

Went back to the hotel and immediately better with no humidity.

Changed into t-shirt and went downstairs for breakfast. I wanted to take my plate up but the other half of B1, where the restaurant was, was empty. So I opted to go and sit there. 

Soy milk, watermelon, dragonfruit, 米粉,a taro flavour baozhi was my choice. The 米粉 was really good, I went back for seconds. Once done, mask back on, and up to my room. 

I checked the TV, they used Mod TV and not Channel 4. They had a new anime channel called i-Fun and they were playing the recently airing? Magician Yohane anime. 

Waiting for Dark H and Knuckles. 

They biked here and offered for me to ride on the back of Knuckles bike. Thank you, I appreciate your muscle power...

First we went to I visit the local govt building. It's a red brick building with historical significance. Then to the really old market place that had NAKANO Broadway vibes. It was really cool, just sad to see it becoming unused. Lots of little stores with personality. Great for photoshoots?


Then into Hsinchu old city gate. Wow! It was much smaller than I imagined LOL. The photos make it look bigger. But it's really cute. They also have the moat (guarding river) there as well. Some original brick/construction wall remains. The gate is really small. So cool. But also so hot and humid. Lol. My palms kept sweating. 

The entrance to the city gate is like on the other side, and you walk through underground to access the inner area. 

There used to be 4 gates but only 1 remains. They all had different names. 

There were fish by the river!! And TURTLES! AH! SO BLESSED! 3 of them too. They must be loving the heat.

Train station next, and it's so small and so cute. Very rural vibes, largely unchanged from original. Apparently in the top 5 of most used stations by passengers in Taiwan. Ohhhhh.

雞蛋糕 time!! This vendor usually has a line but the boss was eating bentou and asked us to self serve... Including payment. Wow! How special. XD 小D used to eat from this stall often.

Then we went for lunch at Fish Balls

I forgot to take a photo. I had to sit inside. They had fans going and the doors open, which isn't the worst but. Man. Not much choice. Interesting to note on the wall there's a UV light, most likely for mozzies. But I wonder if it acts as virus killing too.

Very good stuff, the soup was it. Like bone broth flavour. Hot the spot. The  貢丸was pretty good. Very nice.

Off we go. The local popo station has scooters with the lights on the back. How cute. Distinctively Taiwan.

Fox & Cone Café. They're Aus themed. No scones today but they had carrot cake. Also had Melbourne breakfast tea.

Carrot cake tasted authentic. Tea was nice too. Had a really nice chat on the outdoor camping chairs with 小D and Knuckles. The rubbish truck came around too! How fortunate!! Love that tune.

An old bank building that's still operational today was close. I liked the carvings on the stone accent.

Next we went for ice block. Traditional type. Very old store. I chose plum. 小D got 桂圓糕 and Knuckles got peanut. He eats ice so fast... They had benches outside which was lovely. And a cute retro bike with the horns on it.

Next, was the newly (quite a few months now) opened mall Big City. Omg they had i7 cut-outs. Lots to see. Even a little train which would be full of kids in the weekends I bet.

They had Lego shop... 

And afterwards we walked/biked out to the peanut butter shop 福源 and I got some PB and various types of traditional candy.

We passed an area that used to have old houses, one of which the tree grew into the wall and through a grid of whatever was part of the roof? Of the house. So cool. Sad about the old houses lose. 

Spotted a brick wall further down with cool configuration on the way back to the hotel.

Dropped stuff off and then to the Temple and markets we go. Saw the temple, so old, so cool, the walls and carvings were cakes in ash smoke and dust. Didn't take any photos of the dirtied because it might be rude. But beautiful crafts work... The tables in front all had some candy as offerings. 

Had Hsinchu 螞丸 in the markets which had dried skin instead of being steamed. I don't think the air circulation was  great, but not much choice (it's covered). There were fans but obviously no Hepa.

The mawan was quite rich. I'm not sure if it's my thing. Served in soup of tianlajan. Had Hsinchu sausage. That was nice with the sauce.

Then dessert at another shop further down.

Very lovely, sugar syrup nice.

Then browsed a store with traditional gift cakes for weddings, etc.

I bought some stuff.

Then looked at a figure store. It wad small and cute. Lots of gunpla. On the old street that had historical buildings torn and replaced with new buildings that's built to imitate the style, but has no soul.

Passed by a fabric shop that had mostly printed fabrics. The variety was soooooo much I think I wouldn't stayed longer if it wasn't for being tired and sore now.

Back to the hotel, said bye to Knuckles and 小D but forgot to give them their snacks and gifts...

Tomorrow must give xD

Went back to room, CPC mouthwash and nasal spray. Shower and took liberty of the bathtub to soak my legs for a bit. Blog, but so tired now. Bed.

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