Wednesday 25 October 2023

Taichung Day 10

 Just headed out to 三舅媽's stall today. Stopped at 大石公園 on the way, and sprayed myself with citronella and wore long pants, lol. With all teh scrub it was hard to get close to the tree to check if the branches are the same, but the stones in a circular shape around one side looks to be the same as what was there initially. I think it's the same tree! Didn't manage to see the rock with the swirly pattern though.

At 三舅媽's stall, 三舅 was there too. 三舅 is 70 but he doesn't look like it! 三舅媽 fed me so much, the bone broth soup warms the soul. Hits the spot. Everything is yummy! A regular at the stall gave a bottle of drink to share, which was a fruit based one. I drank most of it lol. 三舅媽 added more 小菜 to the bag that I couldn't finish, to take home. Thank you for feeding me. 三舅媽 runs the stall from 2-3am for prep, and opens early, and closes around noon. Bless her! Such hard work.

They have a dog called Honey. They are very well behaved and doesn't bark. When 三舅 comes near they want to be held by him. So sweet.

After lunch, I went to the tea shop on Wenshin Rd to grab mum's mushrooms. The teashop boss lady treated me to lots of tea and we chatted for like 2 hrs. She also gave me teacups in a coloured series. You didn't have too, awwww. 😭 She offered to drop me off as she was needing to deliver some wares near my house. Thanks for the scooter ride!!!

When I got home I had the sushi Meilin ayi bought for lunch, it was Taiwanese style flavour (didn't need soy sauce, really... as I found out lol). Unique flavour profile.

I just rested and did some planning and homework for Tainan.

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