Wednesday 18 October 2023

Taichung Day 4 (Sun Moon Lake)

 Walkies ouch my feet hurty.

So 二叔 decided we go to 日月潭 today. OKAY! I mean that saves me working out the bus and stuff, but boy it makes me so nervous on staying covid-safe. Thankfully they were willing to co-operate with me on no indoor dining. We got take out and ate it buy the Lake for lunch. I wanted to go to the gondola/Aboroginal village but I guess they didn't wanna take me there... I mentioned it but I think cause it costs they didn't go. 二叔 drove us, Meilin ayi came too, and I guess since it's cooler today and I mentioned recirculate doesn't let in fresh air/CO2 buildup, I don't think they used it. Phew. And the moutain air was cooler and fresher so we had the windows down once we reached Nantou.

It's about a 1.5 hr drive from Taichung. First we stopped at 日月潭文武廟 which was very very grand. The carvings were so pretty! If I took photos for each on it would've taken me forever and too many photos. We drew a lot for divination but I need help for it lol. And we also burnt some incense for the deities. They have a Koi pond at the top and a feed vending machine. I fed the fish and had a grand time. Looking around was so cool too. There were a couple of buskers outside the temple and I gave them $50. They were pretty good! I believe they have native hertiage.

Off we go to Ita Thao shopping district. There were so many stores selling juices, vinegars, and 小米酒. We found a store and I had Ruzofan. Uncle and Ayi picked Zoginmen soup as well. It was very yummy. I had a quick look at the souvenir shop on the corner before the pier and bought more postcards, a magnet, and a keyring. I picked/shopped fast becuase I didn't want them to wait too long for me.

Once done, back to the car (we parked a ways out), and saw two bats fly by one after the other on the street we parked the car. Next we went to Xuan Zhan temple where half the relics of Tang San Zhan are enshrined on the third floor. The relics were taken by the Japanese during colonisation? and enshrined somewhere, and then half of it was returned to Taiwan later. The temple was expanded to house the relics. There was a small museum building detailing the history of Buddhism and his journey to the West for the scriptures. It was really cool but I didn't have the time to absorb the info. The statues of the buddhas are all very pretty and detailed. There was a pair of guardian dieties at the gate. I didn't take a photo becuase I'm unsure if it's disrespectful or not. 

Next the Pagoda!!!! Ci'en Pagoda. I thought it was very tall, but when you climb it, it's only like 8 floors? Very vyer pretty. Probs because it's so small it doesn't take as long as I thought. It's open from 9am to 4:30pm every day. Great view on the top!

Next we went to the pier near another temple to buy the tea eggs there. Apparently very famous - they were flavourful and yummy! There was another band of buskers here - Aboroginal I believe. Ayi and Uncle rested here and I went to take some selfies. You can see Lalu Island from here. 

Last stop, the Bicycle and Tourism centre. There's a smal gift shop here and I bought some tea as gifts for friends, some local salt, and a sakura latte (which costed $450 - I didn't realise! I must have looked at the wrong price tag) as a gift too.

Back home we go now - my feet is so sore.

Quick trip to Fengjia nightmarket, bought the Kose masks mum wanted in the colour she wanted. Then had a look at the 地瓜球 but there's such a long line.... saw some more socks at a different store and bought some more. Saw Pokemon socks at another store!! And bought Kyogre and Rukario.

Walked around, got a bit lost, headed home. Stopped at 7-11, bought 4 bottles of Supau (on special for $88) and a pack of tissues (you need them for public toilets). Now I finally know what the mascots are all called lol.

二叔 told me to take 4 tea eggs to 四叔 once he's home - which I did. Understandably it takes him a little longer to get to the door. He just lives int he opposite building on this building lot. That's why he bought 20 eggs! Living without family this doesn't click so I will take note for next time.

Shower and bed now. I wil write the postcards tomorrow - early day tomorrow. Dental appointment - first appt of the day at 9am. Sadly I don't think I can request the staff to mask up in anything better than a surgical, so I didn't ask.... but I will take my CR box. Hopefully I don't wimp out from using it. Wish me luck. Amitofou.

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